Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday Morning, an Axel/Roxas fic.

Rating: T (only for language though, since I’m a total sissy when it comes to writing anything smut-ish)
Warnings: Amateur writing. Yaoi, a.k.a. boy-on-boy stuff. A bit of language. Cheesiness. Read at your own risk.
Summary: Axel wouldn’t have it any other way.
Disclaimed. Edited.

Light seeped through the blinds and greeted a couple on a cozy, beige-colored bed. One of them, the redhead, mumbled in his sleep and squinted for a moment until he ultimately decided to ignore the bright sunlight. Not now, dammit, not when his best friend was tucked into his arms after God knows how long it took for him to get him in that precise spot, after God knows how long of pining and hoping and one little heartache, and then, finally, acceptance. But it seemed as though the sun refused to listen to his plea—not even for just this once, the big douche—so he forced himself up, away from the warm body next to him, and walked the three feet necessary to get to the window. By the time he had returned to that snug embrace, however, he could no longer go back to sleep.

The hell.

So, unable to return to the pleasant bosom of slumber, Axel lay beside his boyfriend (dear Lord, how satisfying it felt to simply think of using the term) and watched him. He watched how Roxas’s chest rose as he breathed, how his legs and arms would twitch from time to time, how, whenever the pyromaniac would pull the blanket away from him if only to tease his sleeping form, the blond’s face would scrunch up and stubbornly refuse to release his hold on the covers. “What a cover hog,” Axel whispered to himself, not without affection lacing his light tone.

Roxas turned for a bit, facing Axel even more, as though he had heard what the redhead had uttered and was going to stare him down as punishment. Fat chance. Some hair fell on his face due to his constant wiggling and gently touched his cute button nose. The boy wrinkled his nose and sneezed before shaking his head to get rid of the tickling sensation. Cute.

His lover snorted then dutifully tucked the rebellious lock behind his ear. His hand didn't immediately move away; no, it lingered there for a while more until it slid to the blond’s cheek, softly caressing the smooth skin, as though each stroke were a sweet kiss filled with adoration and infatuation. Axel spent a few more minutes of stroking his boyfriend’s cheek, brushing his hand through the boy’s soft hair as he marveled over how Roxas chose him, him, the sarcastic, in-your-face all-around jerk who destroyed his sandcastle when the kid was six.

And then Roxas snuggled closer to him, and Axel realized that yes, this must be love. Yes, he was absolutely head over heels for this little blond wonder who barged into his crappy life and screwed everything up and formed it into something breath-taking. Yes, he would literally go insane if Roxas ever went back to his right mind and so much as left him for good. Yes, yes, yes. He was beautiful. And, dammit, Axel couldn’t have asked for anything more.

Outside, dawn slowly turned into day.

“Good morning, love.”

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